Wednesday 8 August 2012

Building a New Habit: Day 4

My well-flossed teeth. 
Okay, Day 4 did not go very well.

I didn't write.  Anything.   I had to stay late at work for meetings (didn't get home until 10:00pm) and then I was too zonked too write.  Admittedly, I watched TV instead of getting home and going right up to my office, but this habit-building stuff isn't going to be easy, right?

Normally, if I miss a goal I pile all the work up onto the next day and then feel so overwhelmed by it I find excuses not to do it.  But I'm not going to do that to myself.

If I miss a day of writing, I miss it.  I don't need to make it up the next day, I just need to make sure the next day I sit my butt in the chair and write. 

It's like flossing my teeth.  I have a good habit in place where I floss my teeth every weekday while I'm brushing in the morning.  Sometimes I'm rushed and I skip the flossing, but I don't floss my teeth twice the next day to make up for it.   And I have a great set of teeth (mostly thanks to my orthodontist - 4 years of braces - that's a lot of braces!).  I must be doing some things right!

So tonight, back to it!!


  1. You can do this Nikki! Just show up and let the muse takeover.

  2. Thanks Terri!! You're always pumping me up! :)
