Okay, I know it's been waaaaaay too long since I blogged ... but let's try to get back to this Random Act of Kindness thing.

This one I did at Christmas time, I just never blogged about it. I was walking through a shopping mall with my son and my niece and nephew. It was packed! As we were leaving I noticed a woman carrying a big tote along with a stroller full of purchases, a baby in the stroller and a small 3year old child beside her. It looked like they were leaving and she had her hands full so I offered to help her to her car.
She told me she didn't have a car. She was walking to her apartment. How she would get there with all that stuff and 2 kids was beyond me! She looked so tired just trying to get all that stuff through the mall!
I had my sister's beautiful new SUV with lots of room in it so I offered to give her and her kids a ride to her apartment which was only a few blocks away. We loaded in the stroller, the gifts, all the kids and headed over to her apartment.
Once we arrived, the kids helped unload everything and as we said our goodbyes she thanked me profusely. And then she did something I'll always remember - she gave me a hug.
Now, my sister wasn't thrilled that I brought strangers into her car ... but I can say that so far this act of kindness was by far my favourite!